Friday 19 August 2011

Helpline: Separation Anxiety!

 picture credits:

It may seem like a sweet gesture to come home to a smiling face with a wagging tail. But when the smiling and wagging escalates to pouncing, tugging and excessive excitation when you return, it could suggest the beginning of a potential nightmare.

Separation anxiety is no stranger to puppies and doggies alike; even doggies at senior age could display signs of separation anxiety. Basically, when a doggy is said to be suffering from separation anxiety, he basically is tormented by the disappearance of his human owner and feels highly unsafe. Some dogs end up engaging in destructive behaviour (like chewing through the sofa or the leg of the table) or barking excessively until someone comes to him to alleviate the anguish and fear. In other words, your doggy is in pain when he doesnt see you, because he learnt when he was younger that he would always have your attention whenever he asked for it.

Doggies are used to being a pack or litter, and it is not normal practice for them to be alone. Even doggies with the most independent nature would feel safe having company. When neglected or left by themselves for too long, some doggies become depressed and may end up engaging in the most unlikely behaviour such as chewing on their own paws or simply falling ill and becoming lethargic all the time.

While it is important to understand the signs of separation anxiety, finding out the causes of your doggy's anxiety would potentially reduce the onset and is extremely important as well! We have always stressed on the importance of establishing yourself as the leader or master of your pup; because to a pack animal, his followers would never leave uncommanded while it is unquestionable when their leaders leave for a while. If your pup has recognized that you are his master, having you leave and return later would not cause the anxiety issue. Another potential cause would also be if too much attention is given to the doggy when he asks for it, especially if the habit is adopted since its puppy days. It is an art to be firm without being fierce, but it is one art that needs mastering for a healthy human-doggy relationship in the long run.

Fret not if your little one is showing signs of separation anxiety! here are some simple tricks which could alleviate the anxiety and anguish on both sides:
1) for new owners, it should always start young. do the independence and self-soothe exercise from the moment you bring your little one home. Never ever pick him up immediately when he cries for you, nor do you give in to his whims especially at meal times. Only good behaviour deserves a big fuss and rewards, bad behaviour should not be reinforced even if it tugs at our heartstrings. Leave your pup's sight from time to time, perhaps by shutting the room door or leaving your pup in the kitchen and going into the living room where he cant see you. This could be repeated often, in longer durations each time. This exercise would go very well with crate training, which we feel is most necessary and would reduce separation anxiety tremendously as the pup is forced to learn to self-soothe and be comfortable with his toys and by himself. 

2) For current owners; do not give your doggy attention immediately when you arrive home. you do not want to let the doggy think your arriving home should cause a big hoo-ha to him. run simple errands like getting a drink, taking a shower first before showing your pup how much you really missed him! Similarly, dont make a fuss before leaving home and leaving him alone. you could attempt to occupy his time first with perhaps some treats to take his mind of noticing you are leaving him alone again.

3) For some, it may be a good idea to get a second doggy to become each other's play mates. being crowd animals, doggies generally do good having another four-legged companion. but do make proper introductions to prevent hustling and jostling for your attention (another big headache!)! Do not interfere as well when they are establishing dominance over each other, once the relationship is well-established, co-existance would be more harmonious.

The inability to cope with separation anxiety is one of the leading reasons people put up to give up their once beloved little ones. We sincerely hope this problem gets addressed and nipped in the bud early, before more of our four-legged best friends gets sent away or put down.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Featured Doggy: Pomeranians

One of the most colourful doggies in the world, the Pomeranian is undisbutedly one doggy that will colour up your life! This little toy pooch is also well known for their fluffiness, as a result of their thick double coating! They have long outercoats which "stands" because of their harder texture, while their undercoat is smooth and dense. It is therefore very important to thoroughly dry these little balls of fluff when they get wet to protect their gorgeous coats and to keep their manes intact!

Little pomeranians are extremely intelligent doggies, and their ever eager to please nature makes them highly "train-able". They are also very loyal to their human family and is really is hard not to find this little one most endearing. Little Poms are very alert doggies, and would make great watch dogs as well. They would also be extremely protective of their owners and they often forget their sizes (so do remind them sometimes they're a little fella! :D)

However, little Poms are also known to have an independent pattern of thinking and would need to have rules very firmly laid out and reinforced by their human owners. This breed is also said to be picky eaters because with their intelligence, they can get their way into table scraps or nicer food by refusing their meals!

Pomeranians would make great companions for assertive owners who knows their hand on their little furkids. With their intelligence, they learn fast and would understand how to make their way into their owner's hearts by complying with the rules set! They are great apartment doggies, but do give them their evening walks because they dont do too well with heat! Giving little Poms good exercise would take away excess energy and would decrease behavioural issues like excessive barking! Hard chews would occupy their attention amply when they're home alone! (:

This little furball will give you 15 or more good years of love and comfort! Contact us now, LITTLE POMS ARE BACK IN TOWN! :D

Monday 1 August 2011

Featured Doggy: DACHSHUND!

Little Dachshunds are well-known to be fiercely loyal companions, very courageous, intelligent and the biggest joys to be around. These little ones (literally (; ), contrary to the image they portray with their short limbs, they are pretty apt at travelling long distances.

However, Dachshunds are also said to often forget their size. Without proper training, these little ones have a reputation for having unpredictable behaviour. Dachshunds are good companions for families with older children who can understand that the puppy needs to have consistent instructions given to them. These little ones can get along with other canine counterpart, even feline friends as well.

The most important things when it comes to little Dachshunds would be the word "training" and "consistency". Dachshunds are excellent new additions to their human owners' families, but they would need to aware of rules they should be set the moment they arrive at their new homes. Dachshunds are great indoor doggies and would be great for people living in apartments! 

However, owners of Dachshunds would need to take caution about letting their pups jump from heights due to their short limbs which may cause back issues. In addition, new owners might want to note that Dachshunds have a reputation to be fierce eaters and being overweight might cause a higher tendency of poor limb and joint movement and strained backs. Be careful when walking these little ones as well as they are shorter and more easily overlooked (ouch!)!

Dachshunds a minimal shedders, and with a good diet, they can live up to 15 years! 
So Dachshund-lovers, be prepared for 15 years of love and fun! :D

Thursday 7 July 2011

Featured Doggy: West Highland Terriers!

(picture credits: (: )

One of the liviest and most loving little ones around, little Westies (West Highland Terriers) can be the biggest joys to have around! They are known to be most affectionate and are an easy-going bunch!

However, being the Terrier they are, little Westies are also known for "character" and need to be properly trained. It is most important for owners of little Westies to (as we always emphasize!) to display pack leadership at home, and to stay very firm with the rules and boundaries set with this little fella! Terrier are hunting dogs, so some may display digging, chewing and a fair amount of barking behaviour! But these are certainly traits that can be corrected with proper training! (:

The average lifespan of a little Westie is about 15years, but with a good diet, some Westies have lived up to 18years of age! The Westie is also another doggy with a dense undercoat, which has to be dried thoroughly after bathing! Westies shed minimally, or none at all, and has a very easy-to-maintain coat. But do note that it is not advisable to bathe the Westie too often as the loss of the layer of oil on his skin could result in shedding and skin issues!

Westies generally do pretty well indoors, but it is highly advisable to at least walk this little one once a day to burn off excess energy (and if you wanna save your favourite furniture!)!

Just like the familiar face we see on our canned foods in pet marts, a smiling Westie is one little face we would wanna see when we wake up in the morning!
Join us in welcoming our new litter of little Westies!
Contact us if your keen on a little Westie! :D

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Helpline: Giving a Timid Pup Some Confidence


Hi there! Just a Quick lil' helpline adapted from Sarah Hodgson!
Giving a Timid Pup Some Confidence

Timid puppies look so pitiful. Like shy kids, you want to soothe them. But, puppies aren’t kids, they think your soothing is a sign of your fear, which means you’re both afraid. That’s a big problem.

To help your puppy, you must act confident when she’s afraid. You’re the leader. Stand up straight. Relax your shoulders. Breathe deep. Smile. Whether the fear producing item is a bag blowing in the wind, a sharp noise (like thunder), or an unfamiliar face, act calm, face the feared object, and ignore your puppy until she starts to act more like you.

If your puppy shows aggression when she’s fearful, call a professional and avoid knowingly putting her in threatening situations.

Remember NEVER soothe a timid pup when he/she is experiencing anxiety. This will only reinforce that level of fear and make it worst!

Take it one step at a time, if your pup is fearful of the steps, give him/her some time to build that confidence; associated something positive with the stairs, lure him/her with a treat, make it fun! If your pup is fearful of the vacuum cleaner, let him get used to the sound, slowly introduce it to him.

Friday 24 June 2011

Helpline: My Puppy Bites Me!! =(

Ok, this is just an exaggeration.

Does your puppies' teeth and you skin seem to have an affinity for each other? Mouthing and Nipping is very common for puppies (especially when they're teething or changing into adult teeth!) but aggressive biting and growling is not. Either way, teeth and skin should NEVER go together. Today we'll talk about the problem of mouthing and nipping in puppies.  

Mouthing and nipping are two different issues. Mouthing is more of a communication skill to express a need or confusion or to simply gain your attention. It usually involves lesser force and pressure, but still really annoying and can escalate into a ruckus if we unknowingly encourage it! Nipping, on the other hand, is a puppy thing; it involves slightly more pressure. When your puppy still hung out with his litter-mates, he nipped during play and to determine his rank. When you bring your puppy home, this behavior continues. Nipping puppies are bossy and manipulative and need a firmer regimen.

To correct these behaviors, your want to create a cause-and-effect in your puppies' minds, at the same time, you do not want him/her to think that the effect is coming from you. Any reaction that you give to your puppy is a form and attention and it encourages whatever action (or state of mind) your dog is doing (or in). We need our doggies to learn that nipping and mouthing is not a fun thing to do at all. 

Please note that it is inhumane to correct a puppy younger than 3 months as they do not have the capacity to understand the concept of "wrong". Correcting them at this phase will scar your pup permanently and erode his/her trust in you! (:

Young puppies mouth a lot. They mouth when playing, and they also mouth to
communicate their needs (much like barking).
If your puppy starts mouthing, ask yourself these questions: Is he hungry or thirsty? Does he need to pee/poop? Is he tired? Does he need to play? 
Remember, puppies mouth when they have a need (even if the need is attention).

Here are some steps you could follow:
  1. If your puppy doesn’t need anything and he still won’t quit, crate or isolate him with a favorite toy. Don’t scold your puppy as you isolate him. We do not want your pup to see the crate as a negative object. Calmly place the puppy in his area. 
  2. Encourage you pup to lick you instead. We like to use the word "Love-Love" whenever our pup licks us. You can try rubbing some butter or honey on your your skin to get him/her to lick you, he/she will slowly learn to lick instead of nipping/mouthing!
  3. It is important to ignore your pup when he/she is nipping softly. Keep your hand still.
  4. If this situation escalates, turn quickly to him/her and say "NO!"is a firm voice. Stare at him/her for a few seconds. Do not be the one that breaks eye contact. (Most pups will look away quickly)
  5. Refocus his mind with a "Love-Love" command (or the word of your choice) to let him/her understand you both would appreciate the licking more than nipping.
  6. If your pup still persists, try spraying some "bitter-spray" (natural ingredients only, please) on your skin. Or giving a slight tug on your pup's collar.
  7. If necessary, crate your pup. Remember, stay calm.

Other important points to note:
  1. Changing a Pup's behavior requires consistency. Stay firm with the rules, do not relent.Otherwise, your dog will learn that rules are not meant to be followed.
  2. Postpone all games of "confrontational" nature to a later age. These games include wrestling, tug of war, chasing your puppy around, and teasing. These games teach puppies to challenge you, to be confrontational, to be dominant!
  3. Bitter-Sprays can be lifesavers, spray it on objects that your dog seem to like to nip on, be it the coffee table, electrical wire casings or your hands.
  4. Using a lead/short leash at home, to give a quick tug if you catch him/her nipping anything.
  5. If he continues to nip, ask yourself these questions: Do I look convinc-
    ing? Am I tugging or pulling? (Pulling encourages play.) Is my puppy taking
    me seriously? 
  6. Always consult a professional (dog trainer/behaviorists) if in any doubt. Do not "correct" your pup too harshly.

We sure hope these little pointers helped! :D
Every doggy can be the sunshine of our lives, strict rules and boundaries just need to be enforced right from the start.
An ill-trained doggy will have  more tendencies to make mistakes, and both you and the doggy will end up feeling frustrated and upset!
Lets aim to put that to a minimum!  :D

Do keep the helpline suggestions coming in! (:

    Monday 6 June 2011

    Featured Doggy: Yorkshire Terriers

    The Yorkshire Terrier AKA Yorkie is a breed of dogs belong to the Toy Group, they are one of the smallest dogs in the world. Originally from the UK, the Yorkshire Terrier was developed from a combination of Scottish and English black-and-tan terriers, Maltese, and the now extinct Clydesdale Terrier. From each litter the smallest dogs were selected for breeding, and gradually to the Yorkie we know and love today!

    Yorkies are born Black and Tan/Golden and their coat will usually turn steel-blue/blue/gray (a good estimate would be the colour of their parents!) as they mature.

    They are spirited, bold, adventurous and highly intelligent! Do not let their size fool you, if their human do not lead them like a pack leader does, they will start to take over! This usually leads to snappy behavior and even aggression!

    Because they are so smart, they learn tricks and commands really quickly, they also quickly learn how humans react to his/her behavior. As they are pure terriers, they tend to be independent and might not like to follow commands. The trick is to use motivation, things he/she likes, to get him to do the action that you want. Then, slowly phase out instant gratification and practice delayed gratification. Your yorkie will be an angel in no time =) They definitely require us humans to be firm and disciplined. Yorkies are ideal for lively owners who appreciates their bubbly character!

    Yorkies are tiny dogs which requires owners to be gentle when handling them. As a generally rule, the smaller the dog, the less sturdy the dog is, so supplements should be considered for this breed of dogs. As their bones and body parts are more fragile than larger dogs, it is not advised to walk them with a collar as it might damage their trachea.

    (Putting a leash on a dog's collar is advised for other dogs as it encourages obedience and gives a better window for correction of unwanted behavior. Even though a harness encourages pulling, it is recommended for smaller dogs as it is gentler on their necks. Therefore, owners should pay EXTRA attention to your Yorkie during walks and not let them walk in front of you, pulling you, tugging you!)

    The cuter the dog (yorkies are insanely cute if you haven't noticed) the more likely the owner is going to baby the furry companion. This is psychologically very unhealthy for a dog! Do not tolerate any signs of dominance and correct it at once! If you catch your dear lil' doing something he's not suppose to do, no matter how cute it looks, (of course please use compassion and logic to evaluate what is wrong or right for a dog to do) correct him/her with any humane technique to let him know that this particular behavior is unacceptable!

    Here in Singapore, it is recommended that Yorkies' coats be clipped short for practical reason. That said, regular brushing is needed to prevent their coats from tangling or matting!

    Yorkies are available here at PreciousPups, contact us if are interested!

    Tuesday 31 May 2011

    Helpline: My Puppy Won't Stop Barking!

    photo from 

    Just like how some human beings cannot stop talking, doggies and puppies use barking as a way of communicating with their human friends and fellow dogs!

    However, when barking gets excessive and loud, that when we need to step in to do something! We have to first identify for what reasons do our doggies bark, so that we may work on removing that behavior!

    1) Anxiety Barking

    Doggies are pack animals, therefore, they become anxious when they're being left alone. To teach the little ones that it is okay with being alone, crate training is said to be one of the best methods.

    The puppy could be placed in  his crate with his toy and perhaps a towel. you may then leave the room for a while. It is expected that the puppy will start to cry, bark or bang on the door of his crate. It is very very important that you do not give in and attend to him when he does so. Come back to him in about 5mins, at a moment when he's being calm and quiet. The lesson to be learnt is that being alone is not something bad and he certainly does not get his way with barking.

    When you come back in and he is waiting calmly for you, give him praise and attention, and perhaps a reinforcement. Do not look at him in the eye or give him too much attention when you come in, and make sure he doesn't show too much excessive licking or excitement before you open the door. Most important thing to look out for: Calmness.

    This exercise should be repeated as frequently as possible, varying the time that you puppy is being left alone, and the doggy could be crated up to three or four times a day.

    2) Boredom Barking
    Some doggies bark simply because they're bored and they find that when they do so, someone will come and tend to them and give them the attention they want!

    So here're somethings you could do to take away that boredom for your furry friend!:
    - Keep his mouth really occupied with a really good chew toy! 
    especially those with bells (sounds) or those with compartments where you may stuff a treat or some peanut butter! Getting a hard chewtoy would take away the doggy's desire to chew your furniture away and it is also something that takes considerable time and energy! Contact us for recommendations for chewtoys!

    - Walks, runs, swims!
    exercises always take away or exhaust the doggy's energy away! suitable amount of exercise usually takes the doggy's mind off barking. and be sure to check out the breed before you get your doggy as some breeds do require much more exercise than others!

    Apart from boredom and anxiety issues, one other very important thing is to socialize the doggy from young! If the puppy is isolated from company, he will grow up to be more timid and jumpy (thus, bark easily when startled).

    Here are some places that we suggest bringing your furry friends to one of these weekends!

    1) Swimming pools for dogs (the one at Upetgamart, Pasir Ris Farmway 1 is great for east-siders); apart from some splashing good time, there are plenty of doggies to interact with as well!

    2) Dogs Parks/Runs ; These are places you can safely let your dogs off leash and don't have to worry about them running away! It's also great that dogs spend some time off leash and out having a good time with other playful doggies! Doggies and owners may have some kind of workout together while getting to know other like-minded doggy lovers and their furry friends too!
    [Do leave a comment if you know of any other places to bring your furry kid ! (; ]

    Having a furry bestfriend isn't the most fun activity one can ask for, especially in the initial stages. Please be patient with your little one, and give it proper guidance and training. A great deal of reading up on our part is also extremely necessary. It takes a great amount of affinity for this little one to land up in your cosy home, so hang in there, they'll give you much more in return! (:

    Stay tuned for part II where we're share more about excessive barking and introduce an exercise that can help refocus you dog!

    Tuesday 24 May 2011

    Helpline: My Furkid's First Night Home

    Dealing with whining and a great deal of crying (hopefully no barking!) is something every doggy owner has to go through in their first week! be sure to expect sleepless nights initially as well!

    Try to understand why the little one is crying for starters. It is the first night he's away from his siblings/packmates and is in a brand new environment with unfamiliar smells and scents. When puppies or members of a pack is separated from their pack, they call in hopes of a reunion (in the pup's case, cries or whines for your return).

    Here are some tricks and advices that may hopefully bring you some sleep in the first week!:
    1) monitor your puppy's elimination (pee/poop) routine. observe what are the signs he gives out, or after what activity does he usually want to eliminate [usually half an hour after meal times!]. before putting him into his crate for the night, make sure your pup has done his business for the night!

    2) Place the crate in your room. This reduces separation anxiety and allows your puppy to see and smell you. It should also reduce the crying and whining!

    3) be sure NOT to rush to his side whenever he cries or he will learn that crying or whining allows him to get his way and will do so more and more frequently. that is not the right association you'd like to make.

    4) for people who are not comfortable with having the crate in your room, put a shirt or towel with your scent over the crate. Giving them toys about their size also aids in making them feel less lonely.

    5) If the crying continues, keep a radio playing softly by his side or have a clock with ticking sounds near his crate [not inside the crate please! (: ] it helps reduce the unbearable silence of the first few nights.

    6) when the pup starts howling too intensely, he probably needs to pee/poop. do let him out to the pee area then! as the nights pass, you will learn to discern which is the cry for elimination and which is the cry for attention! and do remember to PRAISE and make a BIG fuss when he pees/poops! :D

    7) have a good play with the little one before bed! it should wear him out for a good night's rest for both of you!

    8) do feed your pup early, if possible, about 6-7. it ensures your pup poops before  bedtime and wont wake up to poop in the night!

    9) remember, only open the crate when he is calm. opening it when he is agitated can inculcate bad habits rather than comforting him.


    Monday 16 May 2011

    Featured Doggy: American Cocker Spaniel

    The American Cocker Spaniel [AKA the Merry Cocker], is closely related to the English Cocker Spaniel.  The name "Cocker" comes from the woodcock, a game bird the dogs were known for flushing. They are a tad smaller then their English counterpart, and are classified as medium sized dogs. Some of the American Cocker Spaniels talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, watchdog, agility and competitive obedience.

    Bold and keen to work, the American Cocker Spaniel is equally suited to life as a gundog or as a household pet; Amusing, trustworthy and charming with an ever-wagging tail. American Cocker has the ability to show restraint and delayed response to a trigger, a trait which was put down to the breed's bred-in ability when hunting to freeze upon finding a bird before flushing it out on command. 

    American cocker spaniels are mild in temperament and will complement the family in any way possible! they are extremely devoted doggies, and are good with children as well! However, this doggy needs to be properly socialized as some are found to be pretty shy around new company. This inquisitive little one is also sensitive to smell and usually has a jolly good appetite! be careful not to overfeed this little one though! (:

    All that translate to a mild and obedient dog that is also active and very merry! :D

    We are expecting a new litter of American Cocker Spaniels real soon! Stay tuned here, and on our Facebook Page for updates or Contact Us for more information!

    here's a little something to chase away the monday blueeees!

    thankyou dogbreedinfo! :D

    Sunday 8 May 2011

    They're MALTese, but not the ones in horlick

    Hi Dog lovers!

    Our Maltese mummy has just given birth to a new litter of Maltese!

    And they are just toooooo precious!!

    We promise to have new maltese pictures real soon, in the meantime, here are some things you might wanna know about them!

    Malteses have a pure white, long and silky coat. They lack an undercoat so brushing and basic grooming is required. If given the proper nutrition and care, Malteses can have no shedding! Great for dog lovers with allergies!

    Malteses are generally great companion dogs. But they are also lively and love the attention of their owners! They do really well in apartments (yay!) but a walk a day is a MUST for all dogs.

    Contact Us for more infomation or to arrange for a time to view these precious lil' furballs!

    Tuesday 26 April 2011

    Helpline: Are you ready?

    Are you ready for your new family member?

    A dog can make your day and soothe you when you're down. A dog doesnt judge his owner, and will love you unconditionally. He will do all he can do please you, and protect you even if it means putting his little life at risk.

    However, do you know what you're getting yourself into; the moment you decide  you would like to get a dog?

    Here are some quick questions from our checklist:
    1) Are you ready to devote the next 15 years of your life caring and loving your dog?

    2) Are you ready to sacrifice "me" time to go back to feed or play with your dog?

    3) Can you afford the added expenses for your dog? (basic expenses like food, toys and grooming may not be of top priority to some owners.)

    4) Have you spent enough time reading up on Doggy Care and Doggy Psychology?

    5) Are you ready to spend good time in the initial phases toilet training and basic training? [do note that different breeds have different needs!]

    Dogs, as much as you would like to shower them with love, remain as canines. you HAVE to constantly remind yourselves that you have to be his pack leader. Only when your dog sees you as his pack leader, can affection come into play. All dogs, regardless of breed, needs to have walks. You HAVE to find a dog that suits the energy or is of a lower energy than you. (meaning, if your not an athlete, do not get a dog that will gladly run a marathon). Dogs are of differing intelligences as well, it is in the owner's duty to find a dog whose intelligence and "train-ability" matches their own wants (ie. requiring the dog to remember not to attack your mother's favourite Vase).

    A lot of work has to be done to make sure you find your paw-fect little one.
    We'd love to help you in your journey.

    "Arf Arf!"
    that's our pups saying "we agree!"

    thankyou dogbreedinfo! (:

    Featured Doggy: Cavalier King Charles!

    Cavelier King Charles

    CKCs are also known as the "happy" doggy, with their long tails always wagging everywhere they go! They are extremely eager to please and are most affectionate. These little ones are also very intelligent, and are easy to train! They are extremely well tempered and gets along well with other pets and children!

    However, these doggies do not do well alone, and should not be left at home by themselves for too long a period of time. As of all doggies, they need to be walked before they are left to soothe themselves. CKCs are considered alright as apartment dogs, but do not do well outdoors in the heat (so for those who have yards, do remember to leave an opening at the door for them to walk in when it gets too warm!)

    CKCs are hunting dogs, and thus have extraordinary eyesight and sense of smell! They need to also be socialized well, as they are less warm to strangers.
    Image from
    There are 4 kinds of coats for CKCs!
    King Charles: Black and Tan

    Blenheim: Red and White
    Ruby: Rich Red
    Prince Charles: Tri-coloured
    CKCs are average shedders.

    CKCs live to about 15 years of age; and will be your best fellow couch potato!


    Featured Doggy: POODLE!

    Toy Poodles (also known as Teddy Poodles)

    Despite the cuddly and innocent looks of the Toy Poodle, this little one is actually one of the most responsive and trainable breeds around! The Toy Poodle absolutely loves to be around people, and are extremely cheerful and keen on impressing  you. This little Teddy Bear can be quite a spitfire too! Protective of their owners, they can actually be pretty good watchdogs for their tiny size! Toy Poodles are generally good with other pets too!

    However, be sure to read up about this breed before bringing them home! Toy Poodles have to be given clear rules to follow and have to know which places and things are out of their limits. Also, this little one may bark a fair bit more; so training would be good for these little ones!

    Toy poodles are a really active bunch, and will pester you for walks! hehe. However, if their walking(exercising) needs are met, they can be pretty good apartment dogs too! They are extremely smart, so be sure to stimulate them mentally, or you'll find yourself being brought about in circles by your little one!

    * AKC recognized Poodle sizes go by height! your little one should not be more than 25cm down from its highest point! (:

    thankyou dogbreedinfo, and have a p-p-p-p-poodle fun time! :D

    Monday 25 April 2011

    Updates: P-P-P-P-POODLE!

    Greetings! Fellow dog lovers!

    Due to the overwhelming demand and inquiries on Toy Poodles, please contact us ASAP for more information or to join our waiting list. We have 2 litters due in the month of may and we will provide updates on these Teddy bears soon!

    Saturday 23 April 2011

    Helpline: HOUSEBREAKING!

    Housebreaking Your Little One
    Housebreaking your new puppy is going to take patience. You should begin to housebreak as soon as you bring your new puppy home. A good way to do this is with the help of a crate. Puppies need to relieve themselves approximately six times a day. It is best to keep them inside the crate if unsupervised. This will prevent your pup from hurting themselves or getting into too much trouble and will also speed up the housebreaking process!

    It is instinctual that dogs do not like to soil their sleeping areas (their mummys will correct them if they do!). We can therefore use this to our advantage when housebreaking our pup.

    First of all, you have to decide if you want you pup to pee/poop at home or outside. We'll be focusing more on peeing/pooping at home (in a designated area) in this article.

    For those who intend on having their little one pee at a designated area in the house,
    the puppy should be taken to the designated area EVERYTIME after ANY activity (by activity we mean waking up from nap/sleep and meals; that's just about the only things a young puppy would be doing anyway!). It's the same for those who want their doggies to pee/poop outside of the house. You just bring them outside instead! (Although this method might be harder at first because the time lapse between you noticing signs of peeing/pooping and the action inself is just mere seconds)
    We must watch for signs of urination or defecation, such as turning in circles or intensive sniffing around. By keeping your puppy in a crate, you can have a much easier task of keeping track of your pup's biorhythm. In the event that your pup shows no sign of urination or defecation, play with them to encourage bowel movement!

    Bring them to the area immediately once you see the signs! A very useful tip we'd like to share is to dab some urine from accidents that your pup so innocently was involved in on the newspaper/pee pad/peetray you would like your pup to pee/poop on! That way, you don't have to spend money on pee training sprays/drops and the scent from the urine is a familiar scent, which proves to be much more effective in encouraging a pup to pee/poop! And yes, accidents will happen, your pup WILL pee/poop at the wrong place.

    Once you have brought your pup to the area, do not give eye contact until he/she does the action and when your pup is doing the deed you can choose to say a command word so that he/she can associate the action with the word. Once the deed is done, praise the dog as if it just invent the cure for cancer! Timing is key.
    A puppy is not physically able to control the muscle that allows him to "hold it" until he is about 12 weeks of age. Before this time, good housebreaking routines should be practiced to avoid having your puppy urinate and defecate all over your house. It's all about understanding your dog's biorhythm and knowing the signs. Just make sure you clean soiled area throughly (with soap/vinegar/products that are able to break down the scent of urine/poop) It is much harder to housebreak a puppy if he smells urine in places you do not wish him to relief himself.

    The two words we'd like you to remember when housebreaking your puppy is.....

    Housetraining may take varying amounts of time and effort! but it certainly can be done! do let us know here at Precious Pups if there's anything we can do to help make your Housebreaking that bit easier! 

     "i am still a baby, please be patient with me!! (: "

    Featured Doggy: SHIHTZU!

    Shih Tzu (also known as Lion Dog)

    Americans (and most Singaporeans now hehe)  commonly pronounce the Shih-Tzu as SHEET-sue, 
    but did you know; the actual original Chinese translation of this adorable little one is - [SURE-DS]! (like sure, plus a "ds" like in "birds")

    More about the little one
    The Shih-Tzu is an alert, lively, little dog.  The gentle loyal Shih-Tzu makes friends easily and responds well to consistent patient training. They make a very alert watch dog. Playful and spunky, this affectionate little dog likes to be with people and are generally good with other pets. Some can be difficult to housebreak. 

    Remember, with any dog, they needall of the humans in the house to be pack leader, with the rules of the house made consistently clear. Owners who allow their dogs to take over may find them to be snappish and show signs of aggression.

    The Shih Tzu is good for apartment life. They are fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard. This breed is sensitive to the heat.  

    Do not over feed this breed or it will quickly become fat.

    They generally live up till 15 years!

    Have wheelcarts of fun with your little shihtzu from us here at Precious Pups!

    Friday 15 April 2011



    To respond to the call of our fellow fur-kid lovers, Precious Pups has decided to provide them with a more centralized channel for learning about and buying of their little fur-kids, ethical puppy breeding, or simply just admiring pretty and healthy pups on our Blog as well as Facebook Page! Check out the pup we currently have!

    We will be putting up more awesome pictures of our furry friends on Facebook, and providing updates on the statuses of our pups! There will also be bi-weekly updates of our furry-friends-to-come! We welcome feedback as well as enquiring of any sort regarding doggy rearing!

    We sincerely thank all for their unceasing support and may our little ones find warmth in your home (: