Tuesday 5 July 2011

Helpline: Giving a Timid Pup Some Confidence


Hi there! Just a Quick lil' helpline adapted from Sarah Hodgson!
Giving a Timid Pup Some Confidence

Timid puppies look so pitiful. Like shy kids, you want to soothe them. But, puppies aren’t kids, they think your soothing is a sign of your fear, which means you’re both afraid. That’s a big problem.

To help your puppy, you must act confident when she’s afraid. You’re the leader. Stand up straight. Relax your shoulders. Breathe deep. Smile. Whether the fear producing item is a bag blowing in the wind, a sharp noise (like thunder), or an unfamiliar face, act calm, face the feared object, and ignore your puppy until she starts to act more like you.

If your puppy shows aggression when she’s fearful, call a professional and avoid knowingly putting her in threatening situations.

Remember NEVER soothe a timid pup when he/she is experiencing anxiety. This will only reinforce that level of fear and make it worst!

Take it one step at a time, if your pup is fearful of the steps, give him/her some time to build that confidence; associated something positive with the stairs, lure him/her with a treat, make it fun! If your pup is fearful of the vacuum cleaner, let him get used to the sound, slowly introduce it to him.

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