Tuesday 24 May 2011

Helpline: My Furkid's First Night Home

Dealing with whining and a great deal of crying (hopefully no barking!) is something every doggy owner has to go through in their first week! be sure to expect sleepless nights initially as well!

Try to understand why the little one is crying for starters. It is the first night he's away from his siblings/packmates and is in a brand new environment with unfamiliar smells and scents. When puppies or members of a pack is separated from their pack, they call in hopes of a reunion (in the pup's case, cries or whines for your return).

Here are some tricks and advices that may hopefully bring you some sleep in the first week!:
1) monitor your puppy's elimination (pee/poop) routine. observe what are the signs he gives out, or after what activity does he usually want to eliminate [usually half an hour after meal times!]. before putting him into his crate for the night, make sure your pup has done his business for the night!

2) Place the crate in your room. This reduces separation anxiety and allows your puppy to see and smell you. It should also reduce the crying and whining!

3) be sure NOT to rush to his side whenever he cries or he will learn that crying or whining allows him to get his way and will do so more and more frequently. that is not the right association you'd like to make.

4) for people who are not comfortable with having the crate in your room, put a shirt or towel with your scent over the crate. Giving them toys about their size also aids in making them feel less lonely.

5) If the crying continues, keep a radio playing softly by his side or have a clock with ticking sounds near his crate [not inside the crate please! (: ] it helps reduce the unbearable silence of the first few nights.

6) when the pup starts howling too intensely, he probably needs to pee/poop. do let him out to the pee area then! as the nights pass, you will learn to discern which is the cry for elimination and which is the cry for attention! and do remember to PRAISE and make a BIG fuss when he pees/poops! :D

7) have a good play with the little one before bed! it should wear him out for a good night's rest for both of you!

8) do feed your pup early, if possible, about 6-7. it ensures your pup poops before  bedtime and wont wake up to poop in the night!

9) remember, only open the crate when he is calm. opening it when he is agitated can inculcate bad habits rather than comforting him.


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