Tuesday 31 May 2011

Helpline: My Puppy Won't Stop Barking!

photo from blurtit.com 

Just like how some human beings cannot stop talking, doggies and puppies use barking as a way of communicating with their human friends and fellow dogs!

However, when barking gets excessive and loud, that when we need to step in to do something! We have to first identify for what reasons do our doggies bark, so that we may work on removing that behavior!

1) Anxiety Barking

Doggies are pack animals, therefore, they become anxious when they're being left alone. To teach the little ones that it is okay with being alone, crate training is said to be one of the best methods.

The puppy could be placed in  his crate with his toy and perhaps a towel. you may then leave the room for a while. It is expected that the puppy will start to cry, bark or bang on the door of his crate. It is very very important that you do not give in and attend to him when he does so. Come back to him in about 5mins, at a moment when he's being calm and quiet. The lesson to be learnt is that being alone is not something bad and he certainly does not get his way with barking.

When you come back in and he is waiting calmly for you, give him praise and attention, and perhaps a reinforcement. Do not look at him in the eye or give him too much attention when you come in, and make sure he doesn't show too much excessive licking or excitement before you open the door. Most important thing to look out for: Calmness.

This exercise should be repeated as frequently as possible, varying the time that you puppy is being left alone, and the doggy could be crated up to three or four times a day.

2) Boredom Barking
Some doggies bark simply because they're bored and they find that when they do so, someone will come and tend to them and give them the attention they want!

So here're somethings you could do to take away that boredom for your furry friend!:
- Keep his mouth really occupied with a really good chew toy! 
especially those with bells (sounds) or those with compartments where you may stuff a treat or some peanut butter! Getting a hard chewtoy would take away the doggy's desire to chew your furniture away and it is also something that takes considerable time and energy! Contact us for recommendations for chewtoys!

- Walks, runs, swims!
exercises always take away or exhaust the doggy's energy away! suitable amount of exercise usually takes the doggy's mind off barking. and be sure to check out the breed before you get your doggy as some breeds do require much more exercise than others!

Apart from boredom and anxiety issues, one other very important thing is to socialize the doggy from young! If the puppy is isolated from company, he will grow up to be more timid and jumpy (thus, bark easily when startled).

Here are some places that we suggest bringing your furry friends to one of these weekends!

1) Swimming pools for dogs (the one at Upetgamart, Pasir Ris Farmway 1 is great for east-siders); apart from some splashing good time, there are plenty of doggies to interact with as well!

2) Dogs Parks/Runs ; These are places you can safely let your dogs off leash and don't have to worry about them running away! It's also great that dogs spend some time off leash and out having a good time with other playful doggies! Doggies and owners may have some kind of workout together while getting to know other like-minded doggy lovers and their furry friends too!
[Do leave a comment if you know of any other places to bring your furry kid ! (; ]

Having a furry bestfriend isn't the most fun activity one can ask for, especially in the initial stages. Please be patient with your little one, and give it proper guidance and training. A great deal of reading up on our part is also extremely necessary. It takes a great amount of affinity for this little one to land up in your cosy home, so hang in there, they'll give you much more in return! (:

Stay tuned for part II where we're share more about excessive barking and introduce an exercise that can help refocus you dog!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Helpline: My Furkid's First Night Home

Dealing with whining and a great deal of crying (hopefully no barking!) is something every doggy owner has to go through in their first week! be sure to expect sleepless nights initially as well!

Try to understand why the little one is crying for starters. It is the first night he's away from his siblings/packmates and is in a brand new environment with unfamiliar smells and scents. When puppies or members of a pack is separated from their pack, they call in hopes of a reunion (in the pup's case, cries or whines for your return).

Here are some tricks and advices that may hopefully bring you some sleep in the first week!:
1) monitor your puppy's elimination (pee/poop) routine. observe what are the signs he gives out, or after what activity does he usually want to eliminate [usually half an hour after meal times!]. before putting him into his crate for the night, make sure your pup has done his business for the night!

2) Place the crate in your room. This reduces separation anxiety and allows your puppy to see and smell you. It should also reduce the crying and whining!

3) be sure NOT to rush to his side whenever he cries or he will learn that crying or whining allows him to get his way and will do so more and more frequently. that is not the right association you'd like to make.

4) for people who are not comfortable with having the crate in your room, put a shirt or towel with your scent over the crate. Giving them toys about their size also aids in making them feel less lonely.

5) If the crying continues, keep a radio playing softly by his side or have a clock with ticking sounds near his crate [not inside the crate please! (: ] it helps reduce the unbearable silence of the first few nights.

6) when the pup starts howling too intensely, he probably needs to pee/poop. do let him out to the pee area then! as the nights pass, you will learn to discern which is the cry for elimination and which is the cry for attention! and do remember to PRAISE and make a BIG fuss when he pees/poops! :D

7) have a good play with the little one before bed! it should wear him out for a good night's rest for both of you!

8) do feed your pup early, if possible, about 6-7. it ensures your pup poops before  bedtime and wont wake up to poop in the night!

9) remember, only open the crate when he is calm. opening it when he is agitated can inculcate bad habits rather than comforting him.


Monday 16 May 2011

Featured Doggy: American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel [AKA the Merry Cocker], is closely related to the English Cocker Spaniel.  The name "Cocker" comes from the woodcock, a game bird the dogs were known for flushing. They are a tad smaller then their English counterpart, and are classified as medium sized dogs. Some of the American Cocker Spaniels talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, watchdog, agility and competitive obedience.

Bold and keen to work, the American Cocker Spaniel is equally suited to life as a gundog or as a household pet; Amusing, trustworthy and charming with an ever-wagging tail. American Cocker has the ability to show restraint and delayed response to a trigger, a trait which was put down to the breed's bred-in ability when hunting to freeze upon finding a bird before flushing it out on command. 

American cocker spaniels are mild in temperament and will complement the family in any way possible! they are extremely devoted doggies, and are good with children as well! However, this doggy needs to be properly socialized as some are found to be pretty shy around new company. This inquisitive little one is also sensitive to smell and usually has a jolly good appetite! be careful not to overfeed this little one though! (:

All that translate to a mild and obedient dog that is also active and very merry! :D

We are expecting a new litter of American Cocker Spaniels real soon! Stay tuned here, and on our Facebook Page for updates or Contact Us for more information!

here's a little something to chase away the monday blueeees!

thankyou dogbreedinfo! :D

Sunday 8 May 2011

They're MALTese, but not the ones in horlick

Hi Dog lovers!

Our Maltese mummy has just given birth to a new litter of Maltese!

And they are just toooooo precious!!

We promise to have new maltese pictures real soon, in the meantime, here are some things you might wanna know about them!

Malteses have a pure white, long and silky coat. They lack an undercoat so brushing and basic grooming is required. If given the proper nutrition and care, Malteses can have no shedding! Great for dog lovers with allergies!

Malteses are generally great companion dogs. But they are also lively and love the attention of their owners! They do really well in apartments (yay!) but a walk a day is a MUST for all dogs.

Contact Us for more infomation or to arrange for a time to view these precious lil' furballs!