Friday 19 August 2011

Helpline: Separation Anxiety!

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It may seem like a sweet gesture to come home to a smiling face with a wagging tail. But when the smiling and wagging escalates to pouncing, tugging and excessive excitation when you return, it could suggest the beginning of a potential nightmare.

Separation anxiety is no stranger to puppies and doggies alike; even doggies at senior age could display signs of separation anxiety. Basically, when a doggy is said to be suffering from separation anxiety, he basically is tormented by the disappearance of his human owner and feels highly unsafe. Some dogs end up engaging in destructive behaviour (like chewing through the sofa or the leg of the table) or barking excessively until someone comes to him to alleviate the anguish and fear. In other words, your doggy is in pain when he doesnt see you, because he learnt when he was younger that he would always have your attention whenever he asked for it.

Doggies are used to being a pack or litter, and it is not normal practice for them to be alone. Even doggies with the most independent nature would feel safe having company. When neglected or left by themselves for too long, some doggies become depressed and may end up engaging in the most unlikely behaviour such as chewing on their own paws or simply falling ill and becoming lethargic all the time.

While it is important to understand the signs of separation anxiety, finding out the causes of your doggy's anxiety would potentially reduce the onset and is extremely important as well! We have always stressed on the importance of establishing yourself as the leader or master of your pup; because to a pack animal, his followers would never leave uncommanded while it is unquestionable when their leaders leave for a while. If your pup has recognized that you are his master, having you leave and return later would not cause the anxiety issue. Another potential cause would also be if too much attention is given to the doggy when he asks for it, especially if the habit is adopted since its puppy days. It is an art to be firm without being fierce, but it is one art that needs mastering for a healthy human-doggy relationship in the long run.

Fret not if your little one is showing signs of separation anxiety! here are some simple tricks which could alleviate the anxiety and anguish on both sides:
1) for new owners, it should always start young. do the independence and self-soothe exercise from the moment you bring your little one home. Never ever pick him up immediately when he cries for you, nor do you give in to his whims especially at meal times. Only good behaviour deserves a big fuss and rewards, bad behaviour should not be reinforced even if it tugs at our heartstrings. Leave your pup's sight from time to time, perhaps by shutting the room door or leaving your pup in the kitchen and going into the living room where he cant see you. This could be repeated often, in longer durations each time. This exercise would go very well with crate training, which we feel is most necessary and would reduce separation anxiety tremendously as the pup is forced to learn to self-soothe and be comfortable with his toys and by himself. 

2) For current owners; do not give your doggy attention immediately when you arrive home. you do not want to let the doggy think your arriving home should cause a big hoo-ha to him. run simple errands like getting a drink, taking a shower first before showing your pup how much you really missed him! Similarly, dont make a fuss before leaving home and leaving him alone. you could attempt to occupy his time first with perhaps some treats to take his mind of noticing you are leaving him alone again.

3) For some, it may be a good idea to get a second doggy to become each other's play mates. being crowd animals, doggies generally do good having another four-legged companion. but do make proper introductions to prevent hustling and jostling for your attention (another big headache!)! Do not interfere as well when they are establishing dominance over each other, once the relationship is well-established, co-existance would be more harmonious.

The inability to cope with separation anxiety is one of the leading reasons people put up to give up their once beloved little ones. We sincerely hope this problem gets addressed and nipped in the bud early, before more of our four-legged best friends gets sent away or put down.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Featured Doggy: Pomeranians

One of the most colourful doggies in the world, the Pomeranian is undisbutedly one doggy that will colour up your life! This little toy pooch is also well known for their fluffiness, as a result of their thick double coating! They have long outercoats which "stands" because of their harder texture, while their undercoat is smooth and dense. It is therefore very important to thoroughly dry these little balls of fluff when they get wet to protect their gorgeous coats and to keep their manes intact!

Little pomeranians are extremely intelligent doggies, and their ever eager to please nature makes them highly "train-able". They are also very loyal to their human family and is really is hard not to find this little one most endearing. Little Poms are very alert doggies, and would make great watch dogs as well. They would also be extremely protective of their owners and they often forget their sizes (so do remind them sometimes they're a little fella! :D)

However, little Poms are also known to have an independent pattern of thinking and would need to have rules very firmly laid out and reinforced by their human owners. This breed is also said to be picky eaters because with their intelligence, they can get their way into table scraps or nicer food by refusing their meals!

Pomeranians would make great companions for assertive owners who knows their hand on their little furkids. With their intelligence, they learn fast and would understand how to make their way into their owner's hearts by complying with the rules set! They are great apartment doggies, but do give them their evening walks because they dont do too well with heat! Giving little Poms good exercise would take away excess energy and would decrease behavioural issues like excessive barking! Hard chews would occupy their attention amply when they're home alone! (:

This little furball will give you 15 or more good years of love and comfort! Contact us now, LITTLE POMS ARE BACK IN TOWN! :D

Monday 1 August 2011

Featured Doggy: DACHSHUND!

Little Dachshunds are well-known to be fiercely loyal companions, very courageous, intelligent and the biggest joys to be around. These little ones (literally (; ), contrary to the image they portray with their short limbs, they are pretty apt at travelling long distances.

However, Dachshunds are also said to often forget their size. Without proper training, these little ones have a reputation for having unpredictable behaviour. Dachshunds are good companions for families with older children who can understand that the puppy needs to have consistent instructions given to them. These little ones can get along with other canine counterpart, even feline friends as well.

The most important things when it comes to little Dachshunds would be the word "training" and "consistency". Dachshunds are excellent new additions to their human owners' families, but they would need to aware of rules they should be set the moment they arrive at their new homes. Dachshunds are great indoor doggies and would be great for people living in apartments! 

However, owners of Dachshunds would need to take caution about letting their pups jump from heights due to their short limbs which may cause back issues. In addition, new owners might want to note that Dachshunds have a reputation to be fierce eaters and being overweight might cause a higher tendency of poor limb and joint movement and strained backs. Be careful when walking these little ones as well as they are shorter and more easily overlooked (ouch!)!

Dachshunds a minimal shedders, and with a good diet, they can live up to 15 years! 
So Dachshund-lovers, be prepared for 15 years of love and fun! :D